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AI Prompting: A Guide for Science Educators

AI prompting

In a world where technological advancements continually shape educational methodologies, understanding the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in science classrooms becomes paramount. While many appreciate AI for its computational abilities and data-driven insights, its potential to simulate creativity often goes overlooked. This potential is unlocked not merely by using AI but by interacting with it effectively. Drawing inspiration from “Automating Creativity,” by Ethan Molick this guide seeks to provide science educators with tools, strategies, and resources for integrating Artificial Intelligence through the art of iterative AI prompting.

The Power of Iterative AI prompting


Mr. Bennett, a biology teacher, is diving into the topic of evolution. To make it more engaging and relatable, he decides to use AI to bridge the gap between ancient evolutionary history and present-day implications.

First Prompt to AI: 

“Describe evolution.”

AI’s Response: 

“Evolution is the process by which species undergo changes over time, usually through genetic variation and natural selection, leading to the formation of new species.”

This response, though accurate, is elementary for Mr. Bennett’s purposes. 

Second Prompt by Mr. Bennett (more specific): 

“How has evolution influenced modern-day organisms?”

AI’s Response:

“Evolution has significantly impacted modern organisms in various ways:

– Adaptations to diverse habitats, from deep-sea fishes to desert-dwelling creatures.

– Development of resistance in bacteria against antibiotics.

– Flight adaptations in birds and insects.

– Evolution of complex systems like the human brain.”

A more detailed and contextual answer, but Mr. Bennett seeks a creative spin to spark student interest.

Third Prompt (seeking a creative spin): 

“If evolution were a storyteller, how would it describe the journey of the finches on the Galápagos Islands?”

AI’s Response: 

“In a realm called the Galápagos, I, Evolution, wove a tale of tiny birds — the finches. They arrived, one species, but the islands’ diverse terrains whispered challenges. Over time, I sculpted their beaks, each suited to different diets. From cactus eaters to insect hunters, the finches transformed, showcasing nature’s grand play of adaptation and survival.”

Such a vivid narrative can offer students a refreshing perspective on a topic as intricate as evolution.

Practical Application in Curriculum Design: An Iterative Workshop


To teach students the skill of iterative questioning using AI, enhancing their research skills and creativity.


Students will be divided into groups and given a topic. Their task? Extract the most detailed and creative information from the AI using iterative questioning.

Example with the topic ‘The Solar System’:

  1. First Prompt: “Tell us about the Solar System.”
  2. Second, Refined Prompt: “Describe unique features of each planet in the Solar System.”
  3. Third, Creative Prompt: “If each planet in the Solar System was a character in a story, describe their personalities and roles.”


By the end of the activity, students will not only have a detailed understanding of the Solar System but also a fun, narrative perspective. They’ll learn the value of precision and creativity in questioning — skills that are invaluable for research and beyond.


The marriage of AI and science education paves the way for dynamic, insightful, and imaginative learning experiences. As illuminated by “Automating Creativity,” the key to this synergy is mastering the art of AI prompting. Science educators, equipped with this knowledge, can redefine traditional lessons, transforming them into engaging narratives and explorations. In this age of rapid technological progress, it’s imperative to blend human curiosity with AI’s capabilities. Lastly, the future beckons a harmonious coexistence, and it all begins with the right question, or in this case – AI prompting.

With the focus shifted specifically to science and the inclusion of the evolution example, this article should cater to the interests and requirements of science educators looking to integrate AI into their curriculum.

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