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Ebooks AREN’T the Same as Paper Books so Don’t Try to Make Them the Same


One major topic we explain upfront to authors when converting their books is that not only won’t their ebook look as nice as their paper counterpart, it would be a mistake to try and make them look the same.

I know this sounds silly but they are two different animals. Readers read ebooks much differently than they do a paperback or hardcover. There are multiple reasons why so we’ll just touch on a few major ones.

We certainly expect to always receive documents for conversion that have more than a couple of different fonts, multiple font sizes, and ways to layout text. Yet, our goal is to consider the reader first. We go through a rigid conversion process to create a master file that we then convert to different formats (e.g. epub, mobi). We then test those files, manually, on different devices. We do not believe that even the best auto-conversion tool would be able to create the best reading experience of your book on multiple devices.

You’ve spent a lot of time writing your book. Just as you wouldn’t skimp on editing and proofing it (right!?), don’t skimp on a proper conversion for it either.

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