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Learning Styles and Children

learning styles

Our brains translate everything around us and turn it into useful information, and we each have a learning style that works best for translating that information. Understanding a child’s learning style can aid in their ability to learn and also enhance their future abilities. According to Family Education, 20 to 30 percent of learners remember through hearing, 40 percent retain information visually, and the rest either have higher memory retention after writing something down or through real-life activities.

Types of Learning Styles

There are three learning styles – visual, auditory, and kinesthetic and tactile. Kids that enjoy reading, are organized, and notice details are considered visual learners. Those that have strong speaking and language skills, are musically talented, and easily pick up new languages are auditory learners. Children that enjoy acting things out or doing physical activities, using their whole bodies while explaining things, and enjoy writing are tactile-kinesthetic learners. Picking up on clues from kids helps to identify their learning style, which allows parents and educators to assist with their whole brain learning.

Visual Learners

Visual learners like having information presented to them in an eye-catching way, have strong visualization skills, and to see the “big picture.” Enjoy a fun activity with visual learners encouraging their language and reading skills. Tie the activity into the child’s homework by using vocabulary or spelling words for an upcoming test.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners enjoy listening and retain higher amounts of information when things are explained in detail. According to Shannon Hutton, M.Ed, M.P.A, auditory learners might often talk to themselves, enjoy explaining things to others, and have difficulty staying quiet for extended amounts of time.

Tap into an auditory learner’s desire to talk and talk by doing an activity that encourages his language and listening skills, and provides tasty results!

Tactile-Kinesthetic Learners

Kids that are always on the move, ready to try things that involve movement, and are often on the move themselves are considered kinesthetic or tactile learners. Tactile-kinesthetic learners are often labeled as challenging students due to their desire to be active, when in fact they are just children that need movement in order to learn.

Encourage a tactile-kinesthetic child’s learning through playing a game with learning points, such as vocabulary words or important historical dates, that will result in memory retention and fun had by all!

Understanding children’s learning styles offers wonderful knowledge on how to excel in learning without causing frustration. Doing exciting learning style based activities with kids encourages bonding and learning!

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