5 great videos to be an inspired learner


Here are 5 videos you need to watch to start the week the right way.  They will either break your heart or blow your mind. Be ready to be inspired as a parent and a learner! Have you seen a video worth spreading? Share it with us on Facebook or Twitter.


How to learn anything in 20 hours

When Josh Kaufman had his first child, Lila, he thought he was “never going to have free time ever again” and never going to learn new things. He found a solution: to learn how to learn anything in 20 hours.


Activity with your kids: exploring feelings

A nice activity to connect with your kids this weekend.


7 simple science tricks with household items

 These science experiments will amaze your kids.


Finland’s revolutionary education system

The Young Turks discuss Finland’s education system.


A 2 year old kid quoting presidents

This mother found a great way to teach American history to her child. 

Did you like any of these videos? Great! Time to turn off your computer and be the inspiring one.