Bob Sullo

An educator for nearly forty years, Bob Sullo has been an English teacher, adjustment counselor, school psychologist, and middle school administrator. Over the course of his career, he has worked with both regular education and special education students from pre-K through graduation in elementary, middle, and high school.

A senior faculty member of William Glasser International, Bob now conducts staff development sessions on a full-time basis and has provided workshops to educators and parents in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. His sessions highlight internal control, internal motivation, personal responsibility, and the importance of inspiring students to be academically productive in a joyful environment.

Bob’s books include Teach Them To Be Happy  (New View Publications, 1993), Inspiring Quality in Your School (NEA Professional Library, 1997), Activating the Desire to Learn (ASCD, 2007), Managing to Inspire: Bringing Out the Best in Those You Supervise (iUniverse, 2007), The Inspiring Teacher (NEA Professional Library, 2008), and The Motivated Student (ASCD, 2009).

We’ve published an updated version of The Inspiring Teacher for the Kindle and in paperback form.


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