Dear Inspired Learners,
This is a letter from the intern, or, as we call ourselves at Funderstanding, learning disciples. I will be one more person looking for great content for you and this email is my way of saying I am delighted to join the Funderstanding team!
Not only am I a humble intern, but I am a French intern. – Arg, why am I reading this? – My name is Mickaël and I came to the United States because I wanted to learn. Learn more about the English language, learn more about the American culture, learn more about donuts. Learn. More. Because like you, I love to learn, so I came up with 5 learning resolutions that will help me to learn more this year.

#1 – I will learn (and teach) something new every day
To be sure I will learn something new every day, I subscribed to Wikipedia’s “Featured Article” list. I will receive a curated Wikipedia article, every day, about something I have probably never heard of.
These past days, I have learned about this bizarre Portland’s Weather Machine, Gagak Item and The Giant eland. That is a great way to impress your kids!

Kids, I know a dragon who predicts weather!
Dad, are we there yet? Yes, in 5 lightyears.
#3 – I will learn how to direct movies
I love how these parents remade movies with cardboards! I feel like creating something is the best way to learn. This is time for me to get creative and do something I like. I’m a movie fan, so why not remake scenes from my favorite movies?
Movie making is great activity for a kid. A great goal based scenario!
Some great scenes you can remake with your kids:

Luke, I’m your father!

E.T. phone home

The way I see it, if you’re gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?
#4 – I will learn how to code
Mickaël, can you please change the homepage’s lightbox? You need to debug it because our css doesn’t quite work on the mobile version of Funderstanding?
Hum… 你說什麼?
Because I don’t want this awkward situation to happen again during my internship, I registered to Codecademy. This website offers free coding classes on HTML, CSS, Python, PHP… exactly what I need to become a geek.
Programming is just a language that your kids need to learn – just like English, or French. As the President said,“Don’t just play on your phone. Program it.” Read this article if you want to know why and how kids can learn to code.
#5 – I will actually try to achieve one of these resolutions
That would already be good…
What about you – what are your learning resolutions? What do you want to learn this year? Tell us by leaving a comment!