FYI my little 1s (3rd g8rs) just did a unit re: how 2 rite a ltr. Like, a ltr ltr. Old skool, LOL. U haf 2 start w the d8 @ the top. Nxt rite ur address. Not ur email… like @ ur house. Then ur BFF’s address 2. U say whatever u want b4 you rite & xoxo ur name. EZ!
OMG Y R they lrning this?!
& they R lrning script 2! Y? IDK. So antiqu8d.
MayB bttr 2 spend time + $ on keyboarding class? BC it seems like letter 4mat & cursive R kind of obscure skills that they may only need much l8r n life. (& even then only 1ce in a while. Like negoti8ing baggage claim. Or tying a bow tie.) But keyboarding is a skill 4 now & 4evr. They r always typing & pecking stuff 24/7. BTW sometimes it’s even homework ROFL 🙂 So it’d B gr8 4 them to get instruction @ school. They’d <3 the oppty 2 learn something so applicable.
Old deb8: analog v digital. But enuff zenuff w the script 4 sure. IMO, just give them something they can use ASAP! Even 2mro!
WB w comments & LMK if this makes ¢. TTYL.