We asked 12 mommy bloggers what’s the most important thing they want their kids to learn, here are their answers:
Holly: “What I hope my kids will always remember is that play is important every day – no matter your age. My favorite thing about this picture is how the three boys look like they are going to prison instead of a baseball game!”

Check her blog: Kids Activities Blog.
Jamie: “The most important thing I’d want me kids to learn is that I want my kids to learn whatever interests them. I want them to be inquisitive and explore what already interests them. To find out the how’s and why’s. By learning to learn and ask these questions they’re setting themselves up for a life of learning and the possibilities are endless.”

Check her blog: hands on : as we grow.
Girls’ Farts
Jenny: “I am raising two little boys. Who better to teach them about females than their own mother? Stop. Don’t say or think a single thing. It’s true! I am the best one to give them advice. Brutally honest advice that no one else can dispense:
First of all- never call a girl “crazy” unless you want to SEE crazy, do not interrupt rants with facts or logic, and if she farts in public or with company present, take the blame. Don’t laugh, don’t point, don’t make it a big deal. Don’t even acknowledge that you know it came from her ass. If you can force a fart from yours (because believe it or not, many men are somehow able to), do so immediately. As long as my boys know these things, they will be set for life!”

Check her blog: Holdin’ Holden.
Cleverly: “It is my goal to raise my daughters to be healthy successful women who love life and have enough self-awareness to believe they will one day move mountains. I want my children to live fearlessly and take calculated and educated risks.”

Check her blog: Cleverly Changing.
Katy: “What I’d like my kids to learn the most is compassion. Compassion for all living things – human and animal – along with nature. We are all worthy and important and welcome on this planet. Including us. I want them to value themselves highly but to also value others. The world isn’t just about us. Selflessness and compassion are the keys to gratitude for what we have.”

Check her blog: I Want A Dumpster Baby!
Love Others
Erin: “The most important thing we want our children to learn? How does one boil it down to one thing? Okay, so it may be a little cliche but we want our children to learn is to love others. Most things stem from this and if a child can learn to love others then the rest will follow – respect, gratitude, wellbeing, happiness. On top of that we want our children to learn that they have the freedom and power to live their dreams. These two values wrap up our overall ethos and education to growing kind and respectful global citizens.”

Check her blog: Travel With Bender!
Tanya: “The most important thing that I want my kids to learn is how to stay HIGH on awesomeness so reality cannot destroy them. Choosing to stay high on “awesomeness” is making the choice to be a strong, kind and compassionate person who accepts and respect differences and always focuses on the positive, recognizes the blessings and finds the humor in everything… even in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.”

Check her blog: Comic Strip Mama.
Creative Thinking
Zina: “When our children grow-up they will reside in a world where knowledge is not enough to succeed. I believe the most important thing we can teach our children is to be creative thinkers. The accessibility and amount of information in our modern world continues to grow exponentially. Let’s stop praising our kids memorizing facts or for “getting the answer right.” Let’s teach our children to search for unique ways to connect the dots. Read more of Zina’s thoughts in the article Going Beyond Knowledge.”

Check her blog: Let’s Lasso The Moon.
Jenna: “I want my children to understand their self-worth. I want them to know that the purpose and magnitude of their being is exponential. They are so special, and they both have something unique to offer to the world, and I want them to feel like what they have is valuable and needed. If I could teach them to realize how wonderful they are, I would consider myself a successful parent.”

Check her blog: Small Fry.
Being Nice
Emily: “Number one, I want them to be nice boys. I don’t really have any crazy aspirations for them. As long as they are nice and happy, then I will be happy. I don’t want them to be bullies. As long as they aren’t bullies, I don’t care if they are football players or ballet dancers.”

Check her blog: Small Fry.
Nicole: “I’ve been seeing a lot of news about bullying lately, and it would break my heart if I ever found out that my kids were bullies. I want my children to learn to be kind to everyone. Contrary to what a lot of others might believe, I think that kindness gets people so much further in life than pushiness or bossiness or rudeness, etc. And I know that if Sunny and Dash are kind, they will be so much happier and more successful than if they were rude and mean.”

Check her blog: Small Fry.
Brianne: “Having three children living in NYC, I want my children to learn the importance of family and respect. I want them to grow up respecting their elders and learning from their experiences. That value was instilled in me when I was little and hope they will pass it along to their children as well.”

Check her blog: strollerinthecity.com.
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